Also, I finally found (well, Johnny did) the 3rd volume of Anthony Powell's Dance to the Music of Time, which has been lost in our house for the last 2 years. Read More
Through the Windshield
Also, I finally found (well, Johnny did) the 3rd volume of Anthony Powell's Dance to the Music of Time, which has been lost in our house for the last 2 years. Read More
Our People
Today we saw John Boorman's Queen & Country Read More
Hey look!

Well, got fired from. As is the Way of the Magazine.
Those glasses I bought in the 1980s, in fact, and without looking at myself in the frames. I never liked them & anyway, they'd been out of style since the 1880s. Read More
Update: I couldn't find anything at all like I thought I wanted, ended up buying slip-on Naots. They look a lot better than this picture (which I didn't even take). Read More
More about Minnesota

Summer in winter

Pet peeve VI: Broke is broke—poor is something else
And then I realized that I wasn't poor. Read More
Yep, again
I love seeing the date FEBRUARY 18 on a newspaper or even in my computer's top bar. I love telling people & their little spark of pleasure in sharing my day. I love the spontaneous: a little gift at a shop where I was picking something up, and the planned: a nice Catalan lunch with my man. I love all the well wishes from so many parts of my life. I love being queen for the day.
I also love turning the birthday magic over to my cousin & a couple of other February 19ers, which I'll do in six & a half hours. Read More
Lesley Gore
When I was little, the song of hers that I loved was "Sunshine, Lollipops & Rainbows," which I played on a little box record player, so much that my brother & sister disappeared it. It has a sweet exuberance that wears out its welcome. But she didn't. Read More
Social animal
Why I never fasten my coat
I used to have a theory that you would start in a light jacket, move to a heavier jacket, then a coat, then a down coat as you got acclimated to winter. I didn't figure out for a very long time that it made more sense to dress for the day's weather not some arc of decreasing temperatures.
I'm sure my first theory is just as lame but somehow it doesn't seem to be. Logical fallacy, anybody? Read More
The social contract II
Tom Waits said, "The world is a hellish place and bad writing is Read More
On the phone
I was refilling a prescription over the phone. As Jocelyn, the young woman I was talking with, waited for everything to get approved, she said, Do you have any other questions for me today?
What's the meaning of life? I said. No wait: What am I going to do now that Derek Jeter has retired?
She said, What I've been thinking about is Brian Williams getting canned.
And then we had a robust discussion about that incident, memory & false memory, the media, & whether it was always the case that you could be fired over just about anything.
I love falling into unexpected conversations, especially when you are both willing to see where it goes. It's great when you both go beyond the purely transactional. Makes me want to make eye contact & say hello, yes even on the mean streets of New York City.
Art, politics, & so much more
February: my favorite month! Read More
Jane Gardam
Here's the Read More
What I'm reading (& overhearing)
* Crusoe's Daughter, Jane Gardam. I can't begin to say how good this book is. Beautifully written, surprising, shocking even. She is best known for Old Filth ("failed in London try Hong Kong").
* A George Pelecanos or 2 to clear my head between more demanding fare.
* Books about Barcelona, where I'm headed in a couple of months. With the intention of getting around, a little, in Catalan. The troubadors' language!
Also, I walked past someone saying, "The problem was, that guy gave me hope." Read More
Spotlight on light

Friday, yes indeed III
Sitting at my desk
The social contract
It used to be people were & wanted to be good citizens, took pride in it: We voted, we paid our taxes (if with complaints), we went into public service and/or looked Read More
(in honor of the United Nations' International Year of Light)
A shine is that which when covered changes permission—Gertrude Stein
Mind half
up eye
half open
in lantern
only & ever
A few things about me
1) I've been to 49 states. I like to say the missing one is New Jersey but it's Alaska.
2) My NYC apartment is an old-style tenement with a tub in the kitchen and no stove.
3) I once told "walked into a bar" jokes at CBGBs. I am NOT a standup comic.
4) I fixed E.B. White's wife's shoes when I was an apprentice cobbler in Ellsworth, Maine.
5) My only sports trophy was for "guttermouth queen." Unless a spelling trophy counts.
Read More
I never thought I would ever write about Rod McKuen
If he'd been a bad writer without being successful, no one would have cared. But as Aram Saroyan said in "Rod’s Lonely Night," (a piece that Michael Lally, in Read More