Restored to health
I have a headache & can't seem to see to say more.
Snow snow snow

As everyone knows by now, the storm of the century, Bombogenesis, Snowpocalypse, whatever you want to call it, was a bit of a dud. We in Manhattan got between 6 & 9 inches, although not far to the east they got 20" or more, & Boston is having a real blizzard. Sure it's disappointing for those of us who feel the more the better. I feel like my date with Derek Jeter turned into a date with a Derek Jeter impersonator.
What's been interesting has been tracking the mayor & governor's moves (& how they've been second-guessed
It's begun
They've rolled back the predictions—no "historic" storm: the record is 26.9" & at first they were thinking we might get 10" more than that: 3 feet of snow! The latest is that we'll "only" get 18"-24".
I like that there's a few of us who love snow, one of those clubs you get to belong to simply by virtue of enthusiasm: the Preston Sturges club, the baseball club, the snow club. I like being inside, toasty & cozy, with the big weather going on outside. I like squeaking through the snow. I like being cold. I like the idea that I could walk to the North Pole, almost literally, not that I ever would, not that you really can. I like remembering the snows of yesteryear: a rare snow day on my 10th birthday ... sitting at Balthazar's, again on my birthday, the day pitchers & catchers reported, good hot chocolate, big flakes coming down outside... sitting on the porch of the Franklin Hotel in Deadwood, not sure how it could be warm enough to sit outdoors with snow pouring down on the Black Hills ... Janet getting snowed in & having to stay an extra day or 2, I think in 1978 ... building an igloo ... sledding ...
Beside myself
I'm not a driver, shoveler, commuter so it's all joy for me. Read More
Girl groups
The 1960s were full of girl singers: The Dixie Cups ("Chapel of Love"), the Crystals ("And Then He Kissed Me"), Shangri Las (Leader of the Pack), Vandellas, Chiffons, Shirelles. Most of them black & oh-so-stylish. The smoothest harmonies this side of Jeter & Cano.
Were they political? Not overtly, for the most part, at least not in their songs. When it was picked up in 1968 as a civil rights anthem, Martha Reeves explicitly said "Dancing in the Streets" wasn't a plug for revolution: "My Lord, it was a party song!" (Berry Gordy Jr. was well-known for being careful not to connect Motown Records to anything that might interfere with business.) Read More
The Imitation Game

Which is not to say Read More
Hair, glorious hair
It grew when I wasn't paying attention.
Some people pick a do & stay with it.
Two to three years is about as long as I can stick with a cut.
I've gone from long to short to long to medium to long to short to black to red to blond to calico to creamsicle to lavender-gray.
What's left?
Read More
So I was thinking I might like to be a professional mourner, Read More
Thinking about poverty on MLK Day
Lunch with Eileen
The Jews of South Dakota
The Tompkins Square Poems VII
sat on a bench
remembered my pre-World War I life
wanted a peach
destroyed the evidence
found money
ate at Tre
brushed my teeth
stuck out my tongue
A walk in Williamsburg
I found a lovely piece by Abate's grandson that explained Read More
My doppelganger?
100 years ago today

Sentimental me

More about The House
Steve followed up with this reminiscence. All of it & more: Read More
The House redux

I remember so much yet knew so little about any of the guys. Maybe when we were 20 there wasn't that much to know. We had no pasts except Read More
The library
Also, it seems I ate a few too many veggie chips. My goodness. Can you become 9 months pregnant from veggie chips or does it just look like I am?
Update: The book finally showed up as returned. Should I quibble about the 75¢ they say I owe? Read More