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Top books

Everybody else is doing their top lists so I thought I would list some of my favorite books of 2023, in the order that I read them.This is a quarter of the books I read, with many or most of the others being novels.


* Midwinter Day, Bernadette Mayer

* Silence: In the Age of Noise, Erling Kagge, translated from Norwegian by Becky L. Crook

* The First Poets: Lives of the Ancient Greek Poets, Michael Schmidt

* Also a Poet: Frank O'J=Hara My Father, and Me, Ada Calhoun

* Stephen Crane: A critical biography, John Berryman (I had read Paul Auster's bio the year before)

** Strongmen: Mussolini to the Present, Rutyh Ben-Ghiat

* World Within World, Stephen Spender

* The Word Hoard: Daily Life in Old English, Hana Videen

* Winters in the World: A Journey Through the Anglo-Saxon Year, Eleanor Parker

* Fatherland: A Memoir of War, conscience, and family secrets, Burkhard Bilger

** Thunderclap: A Memoir of Art and Life * Sudden Death, Laura Cumming

* How Dead Languages Work, Coulter H. George

** Trilogy, Jon Fosse 

* Under Another Sky: Journeys in Roman Britain, Charlotte Higgins

* I Remember Kim, Rona Cran

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